The scheme has continued to operate well. In fact, there were fewer matters requiring attention than there has been in years.
The only leak I am aware of was in early October on ‘Jindabyne’. This was about 1.9km south of the Jindabyne/Litchfield Downs boundary. It was a substantial leak close to the change in pipe diameter from 63mm to 50mm. It had been leaking for months. John Allen attended to repairs. When I inspected the site on 7th December, it is possible there was still a very small leak. I believe the pit is still open.
I did try to order three pre-cast concrete valve covers from Mr. Guy Yoemans in Walgett. He says he will only accept orders by SMS. I did this twice, months apart. There was no response at all.
Early in 2023, the phone system stopped working at the main bore. On 25th February, I found the telephone off the hook. This may have been caused by a storm. It has been working since. The alarm at Boogara was working when I checked on 7th December. The SMS alarm system at Kalala is working. This requires the SIM card to be recharged ($300) every January (the 4th I think). It is in my name (has to be an individual). If this is not done, it will cease functioning.
On 20th April, our secretary sent correspondence to George Clark, ‘Sherwood’, in order for him to complete his application to install a new large storage tank on the northern boundary, downstream of the ‘Sherwood’ restrictor. Bill Davison has inspected the site and it seems OK. George has verbally agreed to pay $500 as an application to alter the scheme. Nothing further has been received from Mr. Clark to date.
On an annualized basis to 20th May 2023, the scheme has pumped 83.8 megalitres (76 ml last year) or 2.6 litres/second. The solar array produced 17,270 kw last year but now cannot be read because the perspex is obscured and the cover does not remove easily. 4,277 kw were exported to the grid (last year 5,102 kw). Total electricity consumed at the main bore (from supplier) was 30,333 kw (last year 27058 kw). If not for the solar array, electricity supplied would be around more than 40% higher. Pump hours were about 3700 hours for the year. The totals on the screen are not accurate. Some pumps have been replaced years ago and it was all ‘zeroed’ when the new control panel was installed many years ago.
The mini-excavator has been hired for a number of days. The machine only has around 100 hours and was taken to town for its first service.
If the Department determines, there will be an election of directors in 2024. I do not intend to nominate for a position.
Our financial situation remains very sound and I extend thanks to those who have assisted. My apologies for my absence in June.
Geoff Woods
Kaywanna Bore Water Board
C/- Findex 24 Mclean Street GOONDIWINDI 4390
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